Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Smart Cat

I'm a recent convert to "6 Feet Under". After hearing B wax lyrical about it year after year, I watched an episode - albeit in season 5, and agreed that there was something watchable about the show. Wanting to do things properly, I thought it best to start at the beginning and so found Seasons 1&2 on special at the local. But I've made a bargain with myself. Buying DVD's is not something I normally do, so if I want to watch it I have to be on the treadmill. Here's the set-up I have:

It's worked so far, and I'm trying for at least 3-4 episodes a week, more if I am on-call and not able to be enticed out the door. Haven't noticed any great results yet, except for the feeling of virtue :)

The other night after finishing on the treadmill and checking blogs I was heading off to bed and went to say g'night to the cat... couldn't find the cat... not on the human blanket (cat blankets aren't attractive), not on the back of the recliner, not in the box, nowhere to be found. So I gave up and went to the bedroom, and lo and behold there's the cat: the heater had only just gone on a few minutes before (timer action), but he'd already snuggled up.

Still knitting present (a), almost finished, another few rows and then cast-off, a few photos and wrapping for the trip away soon.
And then to decide what next to start! Sections of present (b) can be done, but I really want to work out what I'll be doing while I'm away. I rather think it is time to knuckle down to some facewashers, good cotton knitting weather in FNQ!


Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea. I love your cat!!! He's beautiful. I have a blog too but have only ever written a couple of entries. I spend too much time looking at other peoples blogs lol. When I do get back to mine I will let you know my link too. My daughter is addicted to 6 ft under too and I think she bought some DVD's. Not sure how many seasons there were but if you want to watch more than seasons 1&2 and assuming there were more than that I can check with her as to whether she has later versions, even if it was just to loan to you. Let me know if you are interested and I will check it out.

shanwen said...

Hello Andrea, your cat is so smart and adorable:) I am from melbourne too and has recently started a blog too. :)

Andrea said...

Oscar says thankyou.
I'm sure there will be lots more photos of him in posts to come...
Larissa - the hardest thing with coming back after a year was finding the thing again!

Robskee said...

Gotto love the heat-seeking puss. I just thought the other day we should construct a dog house around the outdoor gas hot water tank: perfect for the dogs in winter . . .