Monday, July 31, 2006

Unplanned stop #1

We're not worried about those chips in the windscreen anymore
Oh - what a lovely sunset!

There we were, just south of Gladstone, merrily driving along the Bruce Highway, well actually stop, start along the highway and just prior to this we were at a dead stop. There'd been a fatality earlier in the day, and the traffic wasn't yet recovered. So cars in front of us stopped, we stopped. The 4WD behind us did not stop.
4 weeks later I still get a fear response when I hear screeching tyres - particularly if I'm driving at the time. Note to all music makers - please don't put car crash sounds / screeching tyres / etc in your songs. It really isn't a good thing for those of us in the drivers seat....

No broken bones, no dismembered limbs, but I do get quite annoyed when people take that to mean no-one was hurt. I had internal bruising and was extremely sore for 4-5 days after. I was even wondering if I'd be able to go on the camping trip we had planned, because anything involving bending my midriff - ie getting into and out of bed, was quite difficult. But pilates came to my rescue and lots of aspirin and some time later, it was all OK. Apart from having to pay the excess on the rental car and waiting, waiting for the insurance of the guy who hit us to come through. He's admitted complete responsibility and the police were wonderful.

So we stopped in Gladstone for a night. I reassured B (who was driving) that there was nothing he could have done. I'm still finding bits of glass in my holiday stuff, and not coping too well with the sound of tyres screeching....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy I am finally checking out your Blog, what a bugger to have that happen hope all is good now