Thursday, July 12, 2007

One week down, Five to go.....

Yes, after a review by the doc yesterday, it seems that due to the complexity and thoroughness of the operation and his surgery, there will be quite a recovery time involved.

6 weeks all up that I will largely be unable to use my right arm (must be in a sling), yet somehow I am "fit to return to work" Friday week. Hmmm, love to try my job with one, non-dominant hand! Fortunately work should be reasonable about it, I'm hoping to work from home so that I can go at my own pace and not wear out the left arm too much (about 30 minutes of slow typing is all it takes...).

Hopefully I'll be getting the stitches and splint off next week, but it could be an extra week. We'll (and be we I mean my doc) will assess next week.
At least my body is largely recovered from the op now and I am starting to relax and enjoy the time off work - helps that I have my folks looking after me too - all meals cooked, washing and ironing done, I tell ya it's just like living at home!

Anyway, thought I'd take a photo of the arm, so you can see it all wrapped up. I couldn't get it all in, but it extends down to about 2 inches above the elbow. Just colour me green and show me the tardis...

It looks kind of extreme, but there's little pain, just twinges, and general awkwardness...

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