Saturday, January 27, 2007

Stash Enhancement!

OK, so I succumbed....
I was having a bad week - I thought I deserved a treat... and I've got no-one to answer to but myself, so I went yarn shopping.
It started off just being about maybe a scarf to knit while away, and then there's a simple top that I've been thinking about knitting for ages (not that I ever finish anything involving more than 4 balls of yarn, but we live in hope...)

So I walked into Clegs, and they were having a sale! First off I got the yarn for this scarf:

And yes, I've started it already, the yarn is 8ply merino and cashmere blend:And then there's the top I wanted to knit, it is this one.
I was going to make it out of black, as per the cover picture, but then the brown was on sale, and I do seem to be wearing an awful lot of it lately....

And then I saw this:
And I just *had* to have it. I'm thinking of a silly, floppy hat. It's French! Ooh la la!

2 weeks to Tassie - and counting!


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