Sunday, August 13, 2006

So I'm not, but.....

So I'm not celiac. However I do appear to be gluten (or wheat) sensitive, lactose intolerant and a fructose malabsorper.
I didn't even know there was such a thing as fructose malabsorption! But it does explain why I've always felt queasy after eating fruit (except bananas). Bananas happen to be the one fruit that fructose malabsorpers (FM) can handle.
All my life people have tried to make me eat fruit. To the point where they insinuated I was actually *trying* to be unhealthy because I didn't eat much fruit.

So the plan now? The plan is to give my GI system a break and only eat food that shouldn't cause any irritation for a month or so, then re-introduce potential candidates one at a time. I'm going to hunt out a dietician that understands these intolerances, and I'm going to line up some breath testing for these things - which is like a blood test for these intolerances. It's always useful to have some test results behind you when tackling the medical profession.

I did kind of wish I was celiac and only celiac - it would have explained most of my symptoms. And before you think me a freak for wishing that on myself, with what I'm now facing I have an even more restricted diet than a celiac. No gluten or wheat, no lactose bearing dairy and no fruit or anything that fructose is in, and fructose is used as a sweetener in an awful lot of things!
There is another extreme, and that's no sugars at all. But I don't think I'm that bad, just have to figure out which ones I react to. Once I do figure it out, then I can start figuring out what levels I react to, so that I can eat some of this stuff. Although about 5 pieces of rockmelon and watermelon was way too much last week...

On the positive side - I'm actually feeling pretty well. Better than I have in ages, although it is a day-to-day thing, and one bad meal washes me out for 2-3 days :(
I even have energy again! I cooked, cleaned, re-arranged furniture and did 4 hours paid work today, plus a bit more unpaid. Simple tasks that have just been beyond me for the last few months are now getting done.

And for those who know me, you probably don't see me as ill, or weary, or anything. That's me, I hide it, I use up what energy I have when I'm working and socialising, and there's nothing left over. I don't think B knew me when I had lots of energy, but he's noticed a huge drop off in the last 10-12 months. There are many far worse off than me. But I'm all I have, and I'm the one I'm concerned with - because no-one else is going to get me better, I have to do it myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Fructose is in EVERYTHING!!! And wheat is in everything else!!!

Hopefully this will be a temporary thing? And in the mean-time you can enjoy watching your energy come back.

I know a really good naturopath who is a trained dietician - tell you when I see you. - liz