Sunday, July 30, 2006

We interrupt this program...

Yep, I'm interrupting the regularly scheduled program (of holiday blogging), to comment on MIFF and some stuff I've seen around Melbourne city over the last few days.

First off - I just love MIFF. Since I moved to Melbourne 10 years ago, I've attended some films just about every year (except for the few years I was working out in the wasteland that is Dandenong - but I did try then too). And I realised today just how much MIFF has become a time of "happenings and memories" for me - not necessarily about films, but about what's happening in my life at the time. First off there was the introduction to MIFF in my first year in Melbourne - and the film focus that year was gay and lesbian films - so a new friend and I just had a ball. The following year, I was still working in the city, so took a few days off to see some films - to the amusement of my co-workers who thought I was just an ordinary girl (apparently going to MIFF makes you extra-ordinary!). Then there was the courting a few years later (I thought MIFF films would be good dating material), and a few years after that the break-up which hindered me seeing films.
There were new friends found who also enjoyed MIFF and so new friendships developed in queues and over coffee fueled discussions. There was the year my boyfriend flew back from working overseas for just a night and so I skipped a film or two to spend it with him.
And then B came into my life, and apart from all the other things we had in common, he also had a passion for MIFF - which we discovered to our mutual delight 8 months after we'd met. It was during MIFF 2 years back that I successfully wooed him, and MIFF 1 year back I consolidated on that. MIFF is now just part of our life - it's a factor in our relationship, a reliable companion for 2.5 weeks every year into the future.

So - films I've seen so far at MIFF 06?
The Willow Tree - A great character study. I didn't like the behaviour of the main character, but still found sympathy for him.
Animation Shorts - Program 1 - some good, some bad - good mix.
Bubble - The blurb made it sound more interesting than it was. Not a bad story, but nothing to write home about.
Sa-Kwa - lovely character development.
2:37 - Absolutely fantastic. Must see. If you remember high school - or early 20's, you'll relate to this.
A Scanner Darkly - Most enjoyable
Invisible Waves - see it for the cinematography - but don't expect to get swept along by the story line - pleasant but not great. Interestingly the plot outline in imdb is incorrect. It says he "inadvertently" kills his girlfriend - it wasn't accidentally - it was planned - and is the whole crux of the film!
Thankyou for Smoking - excellent portrayal of a spin merchant and how he lives with himself.
McDull, the Alumni - excruciating
Looking for Cheyenne - other people seem to be raving about it, but I didn't think it was anything special.
The Circle - competently made, but if you've read the blurb, you really don't get anything more out of seeing the film.
Un Couple Parfait - Beautifully shot film, great character study of a relationship in breakdown.

So that's MIFF to date.

Ever been looking for one of these:
and not been able to find one? Click on the pic to see why.... Check out Lush Lane off Flinders Lane to find them.

And anyone who grew up in Melbourne is probably already aware of this - but I only noticed it a few days ago. So which came first? The company or the saying?

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