Friday, July 06, 2007

One-Armed Bandit

Well, the op is over. And now I get to find out how challenging life is with only a non-dominant hand....
I'm doing as much as I can by myself and being told I'm stubborn and too independent :) Just like my Ma (according to my Dad) and just like my Dad (according to my mother) *s*.

Unfortunately I didn't get to watch the operation - they were worried I might involuntarily move my arm if I could see, and they didn't take photos :(
Apparently the cyst was multi-segmented and looked like a bunch of grapes. I gather it was quite complicated to remove as it took nearly an hour. Fortunately I was first up in the morning, so didn't have long to wait. I was home by midday.
I get the stitches out early next week, and then get to find out how long I'll have the splint on for.

Currently I'm just sleeping lots and resting.
And typing *very* slowly.... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Done! You don't sound like there's much horror in it yet. Have the drugs worn off? Bugger that typing slowly business . . . get a PA in, Or perhaps train Windows to recognise speech. I can get mine to start new paragraphs. By next week it'll be able to blow the dust off the top of the monitor. No, wait . . . that's me huffing and puffing... Put Oscar to the task! Seriously, I hope it all progresses well.