Friday, July 27, 2007

Three Nights in Heaven, Two Weeks in Hell

So I got to keep the CPAP machine for 3 nights. During this time it sat beside my bed like a reverse vacuum cleaner and I slept with a mask like a fighter pilot's. Meanwhile the machine varied its pressure up and down as it thought I needed, and recorded everything, so that the nice people at the Sleep Unit can analyse it and recommend the ideal pressure for me, not to mention getting a baseline.

I had to hand it back yesterday. I considered running off with it, but that just wouldn't have been right. So now I wait for 2 weeks until I see the Doc again and get a prescription for my own machine.
Today the tiredness kicked in ten-fold. Now that I know what I can be like after just a few days (and not even used to the machine yet), it was hard to function today and so depressing realising just how tired I was, and there wasn't anything I could do about it....

Roll on the fortnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What, no Doctor Who CPAP creature photo?

Seriously, it's wonderful you've pinned this down, and that treating it is making such a difference to your quality of life.

Did they tell you how many times per hour you stopped breathing in your sleep study?