Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sometimes life gets in the way....

I suppose I should explain the long delay between postings (almost a year!).

The knitting continued, and cooking continued, but there wasn't much time for other stuff. July and August each year is devoted to MIFF Wherein I try to see as close to 101 films in 2.5 weeks as I can. I managed around 75 in 2005 (down from 86 in 2004). B saw well over 90. As you can imagine, there really isn't a lot of time left for anything else - and this number can only be achieved by taking holidays from work - which alas, I cannot do this year. But during MIFF 05 I did finish this.
which I designed to match the cabled scarf I made earlier in June.

In September 2005 I started a new job - woo hoo! Finally some decent money and a challenging job, with good potential for future career potential. But.... the hours are longer and the work is harder, so less knitting time all around - I do have the funds now though to increase the stash! DANGER, Will Robinson, DANGER.

October brought my birthday and some birthday cash :) which I used to buy many, many balls of cotton and started on a red top. That is boring, boring garter stitch knitting and I just can't seem to find the enthusiasm for it, but it does progress slowly and is particularly good for Summer knitting... but alas it is now Winter again.....

In November-Jan I battled a shoulder and wrist misfunction (opposite sides), so all knitting related activity was prohibited :( (Although I did manage to slip in some beaded work....)

Just as I was finally getting better from that I slipped in the rain and threw my back out - which was another month of being delicate. :(

March and April were great.

May brought a bout of Kidney Stones:
Somehow they missed that way big stone the first time they x-rayed me! And yes, this is the first x-ray. The second x-ray shows a smaller stone still in my left kidney (the x-ray flips you), just waiting to grow big and mean and cause me more pain. Oh joy....

And that brings us back to June - when I sat down and realised that I wanted to blog, and so I'm determined to find time to fit it in....

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