Thursday, June 08, 2006

The wonders of Nail Polish

This may be something which all you feminine-type women out there already know, but I've only just come to the realisation - nail polish makes you look elegant!

You can even be stuffing your face and as long as you have long, painted nails, it somehow manages to look dainty and elegant. I'm in awe! And am now planning to have permanently painted nails :)
I've never been one to wear nail polish, but I played dress-up for my partner's sister's 21st and thought I'd go the polish. That's 2 weeks ago now and I've changed colour once to see if it was just the scarlet woman look, but no, a dusky pink works as well! I'm hooked!

On the knitting front, I'm knitting furiously present (a). Which will be delivered in a few weeks. And I also need to finish off the beyond blue hat- just some sparkly beads to lighten it up, and also finish off all the rolled-brim hats I made as other presents. So much to do, so little knitting time.... Just as well I'm on-call for a couple of weekends, will have to buckle down and do the finishing bits!

On the reading front, just finished the third in the Hyperion saga - Endymion. Much more readable than the 2nd - which was a real struggle. Thankfully it was a breeze to read, because I'd left it very late in the library hire and found I only had 6 days to read a 450 page book - I actually found myself a few days ago working out how many pages I had to read each day on the train in order to get it finished on time. Succeeded last night and back to the library this morning. Woo.
No more books on the horizon. :( All time devoted to knitting before we leave for Brisbane in a few weeks.... At least that's the plan, but I know I'll succumb - I'll have to read something! Although I do have 2 knitting books loaned to me by the wonderful Liz, and they also have a time frame for return on them... If only I didn't have to work!

Just returned tonight from my partner's nephew's 3rd birthday. So wonderful to be greeted at the door with a massive hug from a little boy who really doesn't know you that well, but is all smiles to see you. We increased the child's stock of Thomas train track, and B and I spent a happy half hour using every piece of track available to make a massive layout over the loungeroom floor. We couldn't build fast enough for the kids, with the trains waiting, not quite patiently, for each new piece of track to go down.

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