Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Weirdest Dream

Just woke up from the weirdest dream.

I was a CSI dude and we found all these mummified bodies that appeared to be still moving. Zombie alert! We finally traced it all back to an x-box type game that became total immersion for the players so that they played through death and just kept playing. The really scary part came when I discovered I'd been playing the game myself and had started losing track of time. There were cool plot twists where-in we found moth-ball size/shape/colour balls that became soporific when you held them so that you started to forget about what you'd found out, and there were yummy men trying to save me, who also needed saving.

I suspect I've been playing too much x-box... (and reading too many romantic novels *s*)

Oh - and it was the original CSI crew - not the poor excuses of the spin-offs.

So many photos to take today - just waiting for the sun to finally come out.

And no Rob, there is no spreadsheet!!!! Blame the new job - it's taken all my anal-ness and leaving me part-way to being a slob at home. I haven't even project planned our holiday which starts in only 6 more sleeps (but there is a basic spreadsheet there already). I have seen some "yarn in / yarn out" additions to blogs which I am considering. It's just that my total volume / weight / length is really not that impressive by their standards.

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